University of Baghdad

An integrated system of scientific and humanities colleges, institutes, and research centres.

An integrated system of scientific and humanities colleges, institutes, and long-standing research centres.

An integrated system of scientific and humanities colleges, institutes, and long-standing research centres. We believe that human building is the basis for the existence of generations capable of leading society and building the nation.

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University of Baghdad

An integrated system of scientific and humanities colleges, institutes, and research centres.

An integrated system of scientific and humanities colleges, institutes, and long-standing research centres.

An integrated system of scientific and humanities colleges, institutes, and long-standing research centres. We believe that human building is the basis for the existence of generations capable of leading society and building the nation.

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Presidency News

Latest News

College of Education for Women Contributes to Development of National Evaluation System by Hosting Workshop to Enhance Skills of National Assessors

Ibn Rushd College of Education Holds Training Course on Freedom of Belief for Religious Minorities and Protecting Diversity in Iraq

College of Mass Communication Organizes Workshop on Employing Artificial Intelligence

College of Mass Communication Organizes Blood Donation Campaign to Support Thalassemia Patients

College of Mass Communication Organizes Seminar on Economic and Political Factors in Shaping Public Opinion

College of Mass Communication Organizes Lecture on Documentary Filmmaking

College of Law Team Participates in International Commercial Arbitration Competition in Asia Pacific

In the presence of the Ambassador of Spain, College of Languages Celebrates Cultural Day of Spanish Language Department


Statistics – Rankings – University’s Presidency

Faculty and Researchers

Faculty – Scientific Activities – Journals

Students and Graduates

Alumni – Postgraduate Studies – Student Affairs