Symposium of the risks of illegal migration at the college of physical educationEnglish Admin05/04/2019 The college of physical education and sports sciences at University of Baghdad organized a scientific symposium entitled “The risks ...
Professor from the department of water resources engineering participates in an international conference in LondonEnglish Admin04/04/2019 Dr. Zuhair Kazim, a professor from the department of water resources at the college of engineering participated in the ...
Symposium on world universities rankings at Al-Khwarizmi college of engineeringEnglish Admin04/04/2019 Department of mechatronics engineering at Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering held a scientific symposium entitled “Improving the universities rankings: methods ...
Symposium on microwaves and satellite technologies at the college of scienceEnglish Admin03/04/2019 Department of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) held in collaboration with the continuing education unit at the ...
Seminar on the Internet of Things at the computer centerEnglish Admin03/04/2019 The computer center at University of Baghdad organized a seminar entitled “Internet of Things: principles and applications in future ...
Workshop on the adoption of peace studies and conflict transformation curriculumEnglish Admin03/04/2019 The college of arts at University of Baghdad participated in a workshop held in Erbil entitled “Peace studies curriculum ...
Symposium on the modern challenges facing antiquities at the college of artsEnglish Admin03/04/2019 Department of archaeology at the college of arts at the University of Baghdad organized a scientific seminar entitled “Modern ...
College of science hosts the meeting of heads of the departments of chemistry at Iraqi universitiesEnglish Admin28/03/2019 College of science at University of Baghdad hosted the meeting of the sub-committee of the heads of departments of ...
Center for Woman’s Studies participates in the 3rd International Conference of the Educational Unit for Peace StudiesEnglish Admin28/03/2019 Center for Woman’s Studies at University of Baghdad participated in the third international conference sponsored by the Educational Unit ...
Research on wireless transfer of electrical power published in IEEE JournalEnglish Admin27/03/2019 Prof. Yarub Omar Naji, a lecturer from the department of mechatronics engineering at the college of engineering and a ...
Joint cooperation between the college of agricultural engineering and the embassy of NetherlandsEnglish Admin26/03/2019 A delegation from the embassy of Netherlands and Nuffic Dutch organization and the commercial attaché of the embassy has ...
College of science holds its 4th astronomy exhibitionEnglish Admin24/03/2019 The dean of the college of science at University of Baghdad inaugurated the 4th annual astronomical exhibition sponsored by ...