Department of architectural engineering receives awards at the 9th Student Engineering Forum at Sultan Qaboos UniversityEnglish Admin12/05/2019 The students of the department of architectural engineering at the college of engineering got the 1st and the 2nd ...
College of education for women holds the first student cultural festivalEnglish Admin12/05/2019 The English department at the college of education for women held its 1st annual student cultural festival with the ...
University of Baghdad gets the 79th place in Scimago Institutions RankingsEnglish Admin12/05/2019 The University of Baghdad got the 79th place for the Middle East, the 2nd place locally and the 713th ...
Workshop on scientific promotion and sober publishing at the college of medicineEnglish Admin07/05/2019 The continuing education unit at the college of medicine organized a workshop entitled “The steps of promotion and sober ...
Workshop on TOT at the center for continuing educationEnglish Admin07/05/2019 The center for continuing education at the University of Baghdad concluded a workshop on Training of Trainers (TOT) for ...
Professor from the college of education (Ibn al-Haytham) participates in an international conference on renewable energiesEnglish Admin07/05/2019 Dr. Ikhlas Humaim Shalal from the department of physics at the college of education for pure sciences (Ibn al-Haytham) ...
University of Baghdad gets the + 601th rank in engineering and technology in TIMES World University Rankings 2019 by subjectEnglish Admin02/12/2018 As a continuation of the achievements reached at by University of Baghdad in global rankings, our university has got ...
Al-Khawarizmi college of engineering holds its first international conference for information and communication technology English Admin06/05/2019 Al-Khawarizmi college of engineering at the University of Baghdad held the 1st international conference and the 4th local conference ...
Director of the center for women’s studies participates in a conference on genocideEnglish Admin06/05/2019 The director of the center for women’s studies at the University of Baghdad, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sihaam al-Kaabi has ...
College of fine arts participates in the International Children’s Theatre Festival in TunisiaEnglish Admin06/05/2019 The department of performing arts at the college of fine arts participated in the International Festival of Children’s Theatre ...
Lecturer from the college of agricultural engineering awarded with the creativity necklace from the ministry of educationEnglish Admin06/05/2019 Assist. lecturer Ashraf Hameed al-Salmani from the department of agricultural machinery at the college of agricultural engineering participated in ...
Professor from al-Khawarizmi college of engineering receives the best research award at Malaysia international conferenceEnglish Admin06/05/2019 The Ph.D scholarship student and a lecturer from the department of biochemical engineering at al-Khawarizmi college of engineering Ammar ...