The College of Science at the University of Baghdad hosted a periodic preparatory meeting for the ninth Arbaeen Conference, which will be held next year 2025 in coordination with the Karbala Center for Studies and Research at the Holy Husseiniya Shrine, chaired by the Dean of the Center for Urban and Regional Planning for Graduate Studies at the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Karim Hassan Alwan, with the participation of the Dean of the College of Science, Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Faleh Hassan.

This meeting is part of a series of periodic meetings working on the preparation of the Ninth Forty Conference. The intention of the Karbala Center and its researchers, in coordination with the University of Baghdad, is to involve professors at Iraqi universities, including teachers at the College of Science, in organizing this global scientific event.

The importance of the conference comes as an annual event that became a milestone during the visit of Arba’een of Imam Hussein. The University of Baghdad and the College of Science will have the main role in chairing and membership of the ninth edition, as well as the academic and qualitative organization that the Iraqi universities were known for.

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