Master’s student Mays Youssef from the University of Baghdad, College of Engineering, Department of Architecture, has completed her research fellowship titled “Kassel Reloaded: Urban Acupuncture” at the University of Kassel in Germany. This fellowship aimed to expand her research horizons and practical application, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The fellowship focused on the revitalization of the neglected site “Olof-Palme-Haus,” utilizing “small urban intervention” techniques. Researcher Mays contributed to the design and construction of a multifunctional pavilion intended to serve as a community center for various events. Her activities also included organizing workshops focused on designing modular and sustainable solutions, as well as enhancing community engagement among local residents.

This experience exemplifies international collaboration in education and research, contributing to innovative and sustainable solutions for urban challenges and reflecting the academic and professional development of young researchers.

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