The Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority and the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance in the Presidency of the University of Baghdad held an extensive workshop, which included directors of quality departments in Iraqi public and private colleges and universities in Karkh within the first day of the largest event to train performance evaluation officials in Iraqi universities, which will extend for five days to cover all Iraqi universities.

The workshop aimed to familiarize the officials of the performance evaluation committees in Iraqi universities with the new mechanism for evaluating the performance of teachers and employees in Iraqi universities according to the updated forms launched by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the training will focus on the performance evaluation mechanism for teachers and employees in Iraqi universities, for the current academic year (2024, 2023).

The Director of the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan, said that the workshop is held in cooperation with the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the University of Baghdad, and will last for five days, as it targeted today representatives of Iraqi universities in the Karkh side, and the workshop continues to include representatives of Iraqi universities in other Iraqi provinces.

The official of the Performance Evaluation Division at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Laila Sabhan, added that the new form focused on allocating higher grades for scientific research submitted by teachers and amending the points granting system to serve the educational and administrative process for workers in public and private universities in Iraq.

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