Dr. Alaa Abdul Khaliq Al-Mandalawi, Professor of Arabic Language at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Baghdad, achieved an important scientific achievement by publishing his research entitled “The Role of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Improving the Quality of Education: A Case Study in Iraq” in the prestigious IEEE magazine, which is one of the oldest publishing houses specialized in the field of engineering and technology in the world. This achievement reflects the prestigious position that Iraqi scientific research occupies on the international arena, and the contribution of Iraqi researchers in advancing scientific progress in various fields.

The study dealt with the role of artificial intelligence applications in improving the quality of education in Iraq, where the researcher highlighted the huge potential provided by these applications to enhance the educational process and provide a rich educational experience for students. In his study, the researcher provided specific examples of how to use artificial intelligence applications in education.

The study concluded that artificial intelligence applications have huge potential to improve the quality of education in Iraq, calling for investment in these applications and further development to ensure that all students receive high-quality education. Dr. Al-Mandalawi’s research is a valuable scientific contribution to the field of education, as it sheds light on the role of artificial intelligence applications in improving the quality of education in Iraq and the Arab world in general.

The study provides practical recommendations for the effective implementation of these applications, which contributes to enhancing the educational process and providing a better learning experience for students. Dr. Al-Mandalawi’s achievement is a source of pride for Iraq and the Arab world, and emphasizes the importance of investing in scientific research and supporting Iraqi researchers to contribute to advancing scientific progress in various fields.

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