Prof.Dr. Hassan Mandeel Al-Akeeli, a faculty member from the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad, was selected to represent the University of Baghdad at the Fifth International Conference on Islam and Life titled “Human Rights and Contemporary Challenges.” The conference was held at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa in Karbala, with the presence of the legal custodian of the Holy Al-Hussain Shrine, His Eminence Sheikh Abd al-Mahdi al-Karbalaei, as well as members of the provincial council, various state institutions, university and institute presidents, and prominent figures from both local and international communities.

During the conference, Prof.Dr. Al-Akeeli, delivered a research paper titled “Exploitation of Social Media for Promoting Hate Speech,” in which he addressed the misuse of human rights laws and freedom of expression to attack Islam and Muslims on social media, providing evidence and counter-arguments.

He received a commemorative shield from the University of Baghdad on behalf of the University President and the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences, presented by His Eminence Mr. Mahdi al-Karbalaei, in recognition of the university’s support for the international conference and its contribution to its success.

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