The University of Baghdad Council held its twenty-seventh meeting, chaired by Prof.Dr. Bahaa Ibraheem Ansaf, with the attendance of the Assistants presidents for scientific and administrative affairs, as well as the deans of the university’s formations.

The council discussed the importance of coordination and cooperation with professional unions, particularly the Iraqi Academics Syndicate, and the provision of support for its vital role in improving the educational environment. They also examined the possibility of establishing research units to accommodate faculty members transferred from research centers, in order to leverage their expertise in enhancing scientific research.

Furthermore, the President of the University of Baghdad directed that any entry of satellite channels, media institutions, or any crew carrying a camera into the university must be processed exclusively through the Media and Government Communications Department at the university’s presidency. Entry should only be granted with an official authorization letter from the department to ensure smooth workflow.

The university president instructed all university units to adhere to the directives of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers regarding official working hours. He emphasized that medical students should follow the working hours of the institutions where they are undergoing practical training, in accordance with the schedule of the respective institution. Prof.Dr.Ansaf also encouraged the sharing of lecture halls among neighboring colleges and the coordination of scientific lectures between them.

He further stressed the importance of all university units developing and organizing student competitions in specific scientific fields, with prizes awarded to the winners to foster creativity and competition among students. He also called for the submission of the names of the committees that verified the data of graduates from 1990 to 2021 across all university units, so they can be recognized with letters of appreciation in acknowledgment of their significant efforts in completing the task to the highest standards.

At the end of the session, Prof.Dr. Hussein Ali Jawad, Dean of the Laser Institute for Postgraduate Studies, was honored with a letter of thanks in appreciation of the completion of his term as Dean of the institute.

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