Two researchers from the Clinical Pharmacy Branch at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Baghdad, Dr. Ihab Mudar Mikhail and the student Ali Haider Hashim, one of the fourth stage students, published the research tagged (pharmacists’ opinion regarding the safety, effectiveness, and quality of dietary supplements related to rheumatic diseases in the Iraqi pharmaceutical markets). The research was published in one of the leading international journals, PLOS ONE magazine, which is among the Scopus repositories in the first quarter.

The study aimed to evaluate and know the perception of Iraqi pharmacists about the safety, effectiveness and quality of nutritional supplements related to rheumatic diseases, which are common diseases associated with chronic pain.

The research recommended the need to enhance awareness among pharmacists about dietary supplements for rheumatic diseases, monitor the quality of nutritional supplements in the markets to ensure their effectiveness and safety, conduct more research on the impact of supplements on rheumatic diseases, as well as enhance cooperation between pharmacists and health authorities to develop policies that ensure the safety of the use of supplements.

This achievement indicates the prominent role played by local researchers in developing scientific knowledge and contributing to the improvement of health care in Iraq.

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