The College of Pharmacy at the University of Baghdad participated in the twenty-seventh Pharmaceutical Industries Forum held by the Arab Union of Producers of Medicines and Medical Appliances in the Jordanian capital, Amman, which was held under the slogan (Prospects and Future of the Value Added Pharmaceutical Industry in the Arab Countries) in the presence of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Sarmad Hashem Al-Khatib, and the Head of the Pharmaceutics Branch, Dr. Khaled Kazem Al-Kinani.

The Iraqi delegation also included the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Pharmaceutical Industry Affairs, pharmacists representing the Ministry of Health and the Pharmacists Syndicate, university professors and pharmacists working in Iraqi pharmaceutical factories.

The forum included many scientific lectures on how to develop value-added medicines and the available ways to approve and register these drugs from the pharmaceutical authorities of the Arab countries, and a large exhibition for Arab pharmaceutical companies and companies supporting pharmaceutical industries from all countries of the world, Iraq’s participation was distinctive, as Assistant Professor Dr. Khaled Kazem Al-Kinani gave a lecture on how to add artificial intelligence in the process of developing value-added medicines to meet the need for health cases of the necessary medicines Hers.

The conference came out with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the need to initiate the development of legislation related to the registration of value-added medicines in their pharmaceutical forms for all Arab legislative bodies and to activate and develop channels of communication between the Arab legislative and pharmaceutical regulatory bodies to ensure smooth and easy registration.

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