Within the framework of mutual scientific and academic cooperation between the universities of the State of Palestine and the University of Baghdad, Assist.Prof.Dr. Mohammad Yassin, a faculty member at An-Najah National University in Palestine, participated as a member of the committee for a master’s thesis discussion at the College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haytham) at the University of Baghdad.

The thesis was presented by graduate student Istabrq Flaih Hassan, titled ” Lascaux decomposition of Weil’s size for fractionation (9.9.3)”, and the discussion was attended by the President of the University of Baghdad, Prof.Dr. Bahaa Ibraheem Ansaf, via Zoom.

During the session, Prof.Dr. Ansaf expressed his solidarity and pride in the Palestinian people, emphasizing the importance of strengthening scientific cooperation and providing all necessary support to host guests and students from the University of Gaza and other universities in Palestine through the “Study in Iraq” program. He affirmed the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as the University of Baghdad, for this initiative.

It is noteworthy that Dr. Mohammad Yassin has participated in the discussion and membership of numerous theses and dissertations for graduate students, contributing to the strengthening of ties between the University of Baghdad and the universities of the State of Palestine.

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