The Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad held its regular meeting for the Industrial Advisory Council, attended by the Council Chairman, Prof.Dr. Wadud Tahir Mohammed, Dean of the College, and other council members.

The council discussed supporting the goals of the Bologna Process (academic pathway), aligning perspectives, and enhancing curricula to better serve the current job market on one hand and to keep pace with global scientific advancements on the other. The council also addressed other topics, including developing students’ skills and preparing them for the job market through scientific workshops, specialized courses, seminars, and extracurricular activities. In this regard, several perspectives were proposed, which the council will consider for approval as part of the scientific activities for the 2024/2025 academic year.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Council Chairman expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to the council members for their efforts in traveling to attend the meeting, presenting their proposals, and actively participating in the enhancement of curricula and higher education in our dear Iraq.

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