The College of Education for Women at the University of Baghdad, in collaboration with the Scientific Affairs Unit, held a workshop titled “The Concept of E-Learning and Its Advantages” on the Google Meet platform. The session was conducted by Assist.Lecturer Shatha Abbas Jasem.

The event aimed to elucidate the concept of e-learning and its benefits, explore the significance of e-learning, and identify various types of e-learning along with their distinctive features. It also sought to highlight the role and importance of asynchronous e-learning tools, and to understand the primary forms of e-learning and other modalities in distance learning. Additionally, the workshop aimed to examine the advantages and characteristics of e-learning.

The workshop resulted in several key recommendations, including diversifying educational content by employing a range of instructional materials in the academic environment. This strategy supports and enhances traditional methods through the integration of various free educational software and online applications, which include audio recordings and video clips, to provide students with a holistic learning experience. Implementing training programs for students and educators on the optimal use of technological tools, software, and applications to support and enhance the learning process and achieve educational objectives. Encouraging and fostering interactive electronic practices and discussions among students to advance the learning process.


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