The Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-Up Unit at the College of Mass Communication, University of Baghdad, held a workshop titled “Advantages and Disadvantages of Collective Decision-Making.” The workshop was presented by Dr. Huda Ali Mahdi and attended by students and alumni of the college.

The workshop aimed to highlight the collective decision-making approach as an efficient method for problem-solving and fostering a culture of teamwork. It emphasized the benefits of this approach in creating a democratic environment that enhances performance and effectiveness in work.

The session included recommendations on the advantages of collective decision-making, such as reinforcing the principle of consultation, achieving better decisions through participatory management, exploring more alternatives, and boosting morale. However, it also addressed the disadvantages, including the dominance of one or several members over the group discussion, the impact of groupthink, and the diffusion of responsibility, all of which can affect the quality of decision-making.

This event is a significant step towards raising awareness among participants and developing their skills in administrative participation and decision-making. It draws on practices from previous civilizations and the principle of consultation advocated by Islam in decision-making.

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