The College of Administration and Economics, in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Management, organized a workshop titled “Contemporary Trends in Achieving Environmental Protection.” The workshop was delivered by Prof.Dr. Nagham Yousef Al-Ghazzali and Assist.Prof.Dr. Bushra Sabeeh. The lectures addressed the impact of environmental protection on organizations and society.

The workshop aims to raise awareness among global populations about environmental issues, enhance their interest in and understanding of related problems, and provide them with information, incentives, and skills to enable individuals and groups to work towards solving environmental problems and preventing the emergence of new issues. This process is lifelong, fostering continuous contribution and responsibility to build a sustainable environment.

Emphasizing that environmental protection involves managing and improving the relationship between humans and their environment, individuals learn how to utilize modern technologies to increase productivity, avoid environmental risks, and make rational environmental decisions.

Its significance lies in addressing desertification resulting from the expansion of agricultural lands into arid areas. Additionally, it seeks solutions for significant pollution occurring in rivers, seas, and oceans due to rural-to-urban migration, unregulated use of pesticides, and the proliferation of factories and industrial workshops.

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