The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Law, University of Baghdad, held a workshop titled Scientific Misconduct: A Case Study of Plagiarism, presented by Assist.Prof.Sahar Fouad Majid from the Criminal Law Department, with the attendance of faculty and staff.

The event aimed to define scientific misconduct, clarify the concept of plagiarism, and discuss the consequences faced by researchers and academics involved in such misconduct. It also covered the various forms of plagiarism, methods for detecting it, and how modern technology can be utilized in this area.The workshop included several topics: defining scientific misconduct and plagiarism, the legal framework for the crime of plagiarism and its associated penalties, and the use of modern technology in detecting plagiarism.

The activity resulted in several recommendations, including the need to educate the university community about the aspects of scientific misconduct through the use of videos or informational brochures. Additionally, it suggested adding a section to the academic system under the penalties category to clarify the sanctions for academic misconduct.

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