The Arab Scientific Heritage Revival Center at the University of Baghdad organized a seminar titled “Proverbs in Iraqi Folklore,” which was attended by several professors and researchers. The seminar was delivered by Assist.Prof.Juman Adnan.

The event discussed folk proverbs, which are an integral part of Iraqi cultural identity, reflecting collective societal understanding and contributing to the transmission of heritage from generation to generation in an engaging and impactful manner. Proverbs are considered a significant part of popular culture, embodying collective wisdom and accumulated experiences across generations. These proverbs reflect the social, cultural, and historical environment in which they originated.

Proverbs serve as an effective means to convey values, morals, and lessons learned from daily experiences. Iraqi folk heritage is distinguished by its diversity and richness, with proverbs varying across different regions of Iraq, reflecting the cultural and linguistic diversity in the country. Proverbs are used in social occasions and everyday conversations, often narrating short stories that carry moral lessons or wisdom. This makes them a powerful tool for transmitting knowledge and values in Iraq.


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