The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the College of Languages, University of Baghdad, in collaboration with the Media and Government Communications Division, organized a specialized workshop titled “Literary Translation from Russian to Arabic.” The event, presented by Lecturer. Mohammed Khamees Gubn, was attended by faculty members, staff, and students of the college.

The workshop aimed to highlight the significance of literary translation, focusing on its role in transferring artistic, cultural, narrative, and intellectual heritage between languages. It also shed light on the various literary works that are the focus of literary translation, such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and screenplays. Moreover, the activity covered several key topics including an introduction to literary translation, important characteristics of literary translation, essential skills for literary translators, major challenges facing literary translation, opportunities provided by literary translation, and strategies for overcoming literary translation crises.

The workshop concluded on the necessity of emphasizing translation, as it plays a crucial role in transferring artistic and cultural heritage from one language to another.

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