The Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Nima Dahsh Farhan, achieved an important scientific achievement by publishing joint research with Prof. Dr. Rafid Sabah and Dr. Khamael Shaker Al-Jamali in the prestigious international journal (International Journal of Religion), which is classified within the Scopus Q3 container.

This research, entitled “The Impact of the Independent Learning Strategy on the Achievement of Grammar for Students of the College of Islamic Sciences”, is one of the important publications for researchers within the research published in Scopus International Containers. The current research aims to identify the impact of the independent learning strategy on the achievement of grammar for students of the College of Islamic Sciences.

Notably, this research has achieved an important scientific achievement added to the distinguished academic achievements of the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences, Dr. Farhan, Dr. Sabah, and Dr. Al-Jamali, and this research also contributes to the development of the educational process.


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