The Dean of the College of Administration and Economics, Prof.Dr. Sabah Munfi Redha, and the Head of the Accounting Department at the College of Administration and Economics, Al-Turath University, Assist.Prof.Dr. Adel Sobhi Abdul Qadir, in the presence of the Head of the Accounting Department at the college, Prof.Dr. Safa Ahmed Mohammed, signed a twinning agreement between the accounting departments of the two colleges. The purpose of this agreement is to enhance expertise, foster the exchange of scientific ideas in the field of accounting, and facilitate collaboration in research endeavors to achieve academic excellence.

The agreement includes the exchange of scientific visits between the parties, the organization of lectures, joint collaboration in writing scientific research, joint supervision of student graduation projects, discussion of postgraduate theses, and holding joint scientific conferences. It also aims to create exceptional opportunities for scientific cooperation between the two sides, keeping up with advancements in research, innovation, invention, and creativity in support of the academic journey. Additionally, the agreement encompasses the organization of joint student activities (artistic and sports), as well as the arrangement of exhibitions and scientific debates for students.

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