The College of Engineering at the University of Baghdad held a seminar entitled (Procedures and Requirements for Obtaining National Accreditation from the Iraqi Council for Accreditation of Engineering Education) in which the members of the Iraqi Council for Accreditation of Engineering Education lectured, Prof. Dr. Ziad Suleiman Muhammad, Prof. Dr. Jalal Muhammad Jalil and Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Naji Attia, in the presence of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ghassan Hamid Abdul Majeed, and a number of teachers and students.

The seminar aimed to develop the skills of students to prepare capable engineers capable of competing in the labor market, develop study and training programs for students, and pay attention to their graduation projects in line with the requirements of the labor market.

The symposium also included a change in the philosophy of engineering education from traditional to relying on modern education outputs to prepare engineers capable of working with high scientific capabilities and skills, as well as enabling engineers to possess professional responsibility and ethics and develop methods of testing and evaluation in line with the outputs of modern engineering education.


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