The Engineering and Industrial Applications Branch at the Laser Institute for Postgraduate Studies at the University of Baghdad, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, the Intelligence Agency / Directorate of Combating Organized Crime, held a workshop entitled (Combating Organized Crime in Iraq).

The workshop aimed to identify the concept of organized crime, its characteristics, similarities, and differences between it and other crimes, as well as to identify the types of organized crimes, most notably drug crimes, money laundering, forgery, counterfeiting, smuggling, trafficking in human organs and arms trafficking.

The workshop also included the reasons for the spread of organized crimes, the most important of which is the large financial resources achieved by these crimes and the spread of the phenomenon of poverty, as well as the spread of corruption and bribery in some joints of government institutions.

The organizers of the workshop recommended working continuously to raise the security and intelligence capabilities of the security elements concerned with combating organized crime, establishing solid databases on organized crime gangs and updating them continuously, as well as exchanging security and intelligence information with all countries about organized crime gangs and pursuing them, monitoring websites and social networking sites used by gangs and working to close them.

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