The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the College of Languages at the University of Baghdad, in cooperation with the Department of Hebrew Language, organized a rehabilitation workshop tagged (The Role of Media Translation in the Labor Market) with the participation of teachers (Eng. Hadeel Silwan Sami / Eng. Ahmed Saeed / Eng. Abdul Sattar Adnan) in the presence of a number of teachers, employees and students of the college.

The workshop aimed to highlight the importance of the role of translation and media translators on the global economy and highlight their characteristics in order to reach global markets. She also highlighted that the translation of marketing and advertising content contributes to attracting customers and enhancing brand awareness. Companies can translate websites, brochures, advertisements, and other marketing and advertising materials in order to suit the culture of the target language audience.

The workshop included many axes, most notably addressing the problems facing media translation through cultural teams, which is one of the most difficult challenges of media translations and cultural problems between countries, that cannot adopt literal translation, which may not be suitable for the people of the target language and that the terms and expressions used are their own. The understanding of these expressions may vary from culture to culture. The workshop recommended that media translation plays a pivotal role in facilitating communication in the global business market. This translation contributes to reaching new markets, building international partnerships and enhancing trust, which helps achieve commercial goals and promote economic growth in both languages.


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