The Remote Sensing Unit, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, held a workshop titled “Digital Media Technology in Combating Intellectual Terrorism,” attended by a number of students, faculty members, and professionals in the fields of digital media and educational counseling.

The workshop aimed to discuss the impact of ideas on human behavior by instilling hatred and extremism in people’s minds, inciting them to commit violent and terrorist acts, including promoting extremist political ideas or encouraging racial segregation, or achieving religious goals.

The event included a discussion on the rapid technological advancement in communication channels, which has enhanced the importance and impact of media on society. Media becomes a significant force influencing youth and society as a whole. Therefore, the role of digital media in combating Intellectual extremism is crucial, as new digital media channels play a vital role in disseminating and shaping informative communication to counter terrorism locally, regionally, and globally.


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