The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Baghdad hosted a workshop titled “Global Search Engines” as part of the program aimed at enhancing the research skills of postgraduate students, held in the Scholars Hall. The objective of the workshop, which was Led by Prof.Dr. Rafid Sabah, to introduce students to prominent global search engines and instruct them on effective utilization methods to access precise scientific information.

The session encompassed a presentation elucidating the concept of global search engines and their variants such as Google, Bing, and academic search engines like Google Scholar. Detailed guidance was provided on leveraging advanced search features within each engine, including keyword-based search, image search, and queries based on authorship or titles. Furthermore, the workshop fostered an open dialogue concerning the paramount importance of efficiently harnessing search engines in scientific research endeavors.

The workshop significantly benefited postgraduate students, aiding them in understanding how to effectively utilize global search engines to access accurate scientific information. It also assisted in enhancing their scientific research skills by reinforcing information retrieval abilities, improving information evaluation skills, and developing proficiency in utilizing advanced search tools.

The event witnessed active participation from postgraduate students who demonstrated keen interest in the subject matter. They posed numerous questions and engaged in discussions with the presenters regarding best practices for utilizing search engines in scientific research.

This activity is part of the efforts undertaken by the College of Islamic Sciences to develop the scientific research skills of postgraduate students and assist them in conducting rigorous research with added value to the community.

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