The lecturer from the College of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Assistant Professor Dr. Haider Muhammad Abdul Hamid, participated as a representative of the University of Baghdad in announcing the launch of the first report in Iraq related to assessing the roles of the environmental and climate security sector to confront the effects of climate change in Iraq within a delegation representing the Geneva International Centre for Climate and Environmental Security Sector Governance (DCAF), contracted with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The release of this report comes within the framework of comprehensive efforts to enhance environmental and climate security in Iraq, and to raise awareness of the need to protect the environment and adapt to the challenges of climate change in order to focus on the importance of protecting the ecosystems on which communities depend to ensure their livelihoods.” The report was an assessment study of the great potential within the reform process in Iraq to improve the delivery of basic services by security institutions by focusing on mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate and environmental change on communities and the environment.

The report emphasizes that rising temperatures, water shortages, pollution, and biodiversity loss reinforce local unrest and tensions and increase fragility in the environment and that conflicts over the distribution and management of natural resources are often associated with pollution and ecosystem degradation.

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