The College of Engineering participated in a panel discussion organized by the Department of Studies and Planning at the University of Baghdad in collaboration with the Ministries of Planning and Transportation, as well as the Colleges of College of Administration and Economics, and Political Science, under the theme “Towards Development Pathways.” The College of Engineering contributed with a paper presented by Assist.Prof.Dr. Abdulhussain Al-Askari from the Department of Architecture Engineering, titled “Development Pathways and Opportunities for Establishing New Sustainable Smart Economic Cities.”

The aim of the panel discussion was to present and explain aspects of development pathways, including spatial, urban, economic, potentials, and determinants. Baghdad Engineering College’s paper addressed several important topics, starting with a discussion on the current locations of Iraqi cities and the challenges they face. It then delved into the urgent need for establishing new cities, especially those with a strong economic base, and the role of spatial dimension in achieving international and service-oriented development for both existing and new cities.

At the conclusion of the panel discussion, a set of recommendations was put forward, including the establishment of new cities to meet the growing housing needs and the promotion of the tourism sector in the country. Additionally, emphasis was placed on the importance of development pathways in restoring demographic balance and achieving rural development, as well as organizing the exchange of resources between provinces.


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