The University of Baghdad welcomed a scientific delegation from Sharif University of Technology in Iran, which included a representative of the President of Sharif University of Technology and several faculty members. The meeting was attended by the President of the University of Baghdad, Prof.Dr. Bahaa Ibraheem Ansaf, the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs, Prof.Dr. Suhail Najm Abdullah, and the Director of the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations at the University Presidency, Prof.Dr. Enas Khalifa Al-Sharqi.

The visit aimed to enhance scientific cooperation and provide expertise in the field of industrial sciences and its development. Additionally, it aimed at establishing and developing new scientific laboratories, training personnel on new technologies, facilitating joint scientific research, and exchanging scholarship students between the two universities.

In a speech Prof.Dr. Bahaa Ibraheem Ansaf, emphasized that the meeting was part of a series of strategic steps taken by the university to enhance cooperation with Arab, regional, and international academic institutions, in line with the governmental program for higher education. He noted that these visits have resulted in the signing of several memorandums of understanding with reputable and prestigious universities.

In turn, the delegation from Sharif University of Technology expressed their aspiration and readiness to provide assistance and support in facilitating collaboration with prestigious and globally ranked Iranian universities. They stated the potential benefits of engaging with Iranian universities, including exchanging experiences, providing research opportunities and scholarships for faculty members, researchers, and students from the University of Baghdad.

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