The University of Baghdad has obtained the eighth place among Arab universities in the SCOPUS index out of 500 Arab universities. This achievement represents a significant qualitative leap and a distinctive milestone in the trajectory of the University of Baghdad, positioning it within the top 10 Arab universities in this global index.

The role in accomplishing this feat extends beyond the university administration, with each faculty member playing a vital and impactful role through their dedicated efforts and publishing of their outstanding scientific research in peer-reviewed academic journals. This has significantly contributed to elevating the status of the University of Baghdad both regionally and internationally. This achievement serves as a testament to the esteemed scientific status of the University of Baghdad and as evidence of its ability to keep pace with rapid scientific developments, advancing higher education in Iraq.

In light of this event, the University of Baghdad extends its gratitude and appreciation to all who contributed to its attainment, including professors, researchers, administrators, and students. It reaffirms its commitment to moving forward towards further progress and prosperity, enhancing its position as a radiant scientific beacon in the realm of knowledge.

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