The Laser Institute for Postgraduate Studies, in collaboration with the Women’s Affairs Division at the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, organized a workshop titled “Protection of the Family in International Agreements” on Sunday, May 5, 2024. The workshop was delivered by Assist.Lecturer Faid Hadi from the Government Contracts Department and Assist.Lecturer Fadel Malik from the National Center for Population and Demographic Studies. It was attended by the Dean of the Laser Institute, Prof.Dr. Hussein Ali Jawad, along with several lecturers and faculty members.

The event addressed the concept of the family as the fundamental unit of society, comprising two or more individuals bound by social ties. It also explored the most important agreements adopted by the United States, African countries, and Arab countries, which were conceived and enacted after World War II to eliminate all forms of discrimination and protect the family. These agreements provide social care and financial assistance to empower families to fulfill their roles effectively. Among the agreements discussed was the Convention on the Rights of the Child, emphasizing the importance of preserving a child’s identity and family ties and avoiding separation from them except in exceptional circumstances.

The workshop also presented mechanisms for monitoring and overseeing the implementation of international agreements related to family protection. These countries regularly submit reports on the measures taken to fulfill their obligations in protecting families. Additionally, they establish specialized international committees and bodies to monitor, assess, and enforce compliance with the provisions of these agreements. Furthermore, it addressed the challenges of irregular migration and its repercussions on families. It included recommendations for raising awareness about its risks and highlighted the role of academics in educating students about these issues.

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