The Women’s Empowerment Division at the University of Baghdad convened its regular meeting with officials of women’s empowerment units and coordinators within the university’s information. The gathering took place in the Idrissi Hall at the College of Science.

Lecturer. Sinaa Aboud Al-Hammami, the head of the division, conveyed directives from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s Women’s Affairs Department regarding the implementation mechanism of activities centered around the National Strategy for Women’s Empowerment 2023-2030. Discussions among attendees focused on identifying ways to overcome obstacles encountered by unit officials in executing their duties.

The meeting concluded with several key recommendations, including emphasizing the necessity of collaboration between departments and units for the successful execution of activities. It underscored the importance of partnering with the Scientific Affairs Department to document these activities. Additionally, a recommendation was made to the ministry to allocate points for women’s empowerment activities for academic advancement, akin to those allocated for continuous education. Furthermore, there was encouragement for joint collaboration between university structures to facilitate participation of experts from diverse disciplines in these activities.

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