Assist.Prof.Dr. Athmar Shakir Majid Al-Shatari, the Dean of the College of Education for Women, participated in the launch ceremony of the National Standards for Accrediting Programs of the Educational Group Colleges. The event was hosted by the National Council for Accrediting Programs of Educational Group Colleges in the Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Apparatus, Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Department. The ceremony took place at the College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haytham).

The event was attended by Dr. Salah Al-Fatlawi, the Director of the Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Apparatus, and Dr. Haider Al-Ajrash, the Director of the National Council for Accrediting Programs of Educational Group Colleges, along with several deans of education colleges in government universities.

 The Dean of the College of Education for Women delivered a speech on behalf of the Chairman of the Deans Committee of Colleges of Education for Humanities, addressing the challenges facing education colleges, the educational process therein, student concerns, strategic plans for developing teaching staff, educational programs, and monitoring progress made in the past period. This was in order to collectively enhance the educational process and its resilience in Iraqi universities.

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