The Women’s Empowerment Division at the Presidency of the University of Baghdad convened its routine meeting with the heads of units and members of the Women’s Empowerment Membership in the Bab Al-Muatham Compound, specifically at the College of Nursing. The meeting was chaired by the head of division, Lecturer. Sinaa Aboud Al-Hammami.

The meeting addressed the implementation procedures of the directives issued by the Women’s Empowerment Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, focusing on the National Strategy for Women’s Empowerment 2023-2030, along with the challenges hindering the execution process and strategies for their mitigation.

The head of division underscored the significance of collaborative efforts to achieve the objectives, stressing the necessity for intensified endeavors to foster cooperation between the division and various sectors within the university. A subsequent meeting will soon be convened with the officials of the units at the Jadriya Compound to present the recommendations derived from these meetings to the ministry

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