The researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies at the University of Baghdad, Assistant Professor Dr. Rana Mouloud Shaker, participated in the scientific symposium held by the Ibn Sina Center for E-Learning, tagged Intellectual deviations and their reflection on the moral values of young people, based on the directives of the Department of Women’s Affairs at the Ministry of Higher Education, under the guidance of the Women’s Empowerment Division in the University Rectory to strengthen the Arab moral structure to face the urgent challenges that seek to disrupt the constants of society and dismantle its solid foundations.

The researcher presented her research paper entitled “The Impact of Consumer Digital Culture in Deviating the Intellectual Awareness of Iraqi Youth”, and discussed its most important negative influences and spread among young people, and its contribution to their separation from their identity and religious and moral values, through their adoption of strange and distorted ideas and behaviors far from the authentic Iraqi moral values, and one of the most prominent manifestations of which is the spread of atheism and homosexuality and freedom from the traditions of society and promoting them through social media.

The research paper showed that digital culture has many positives. Still, the absence of intellectual and cognitive balance among young people contributed to its transformation into a useless consumer culture, and this requires the development of many treatments to confront this culture, the most important of which is the legislation of firm laws and deterrence to prevent the promotion of these phenomena, and the dissemination of a positive and effective digital culture among young people to reduce the negative effects and activate the role of religious discourse and educational institutions to protect young people and immunize them from that culture.


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