The College of Fine Arts participated in the inauguration of the bridge at the intersection near the college, with the presence of the dean, Dr. Mudhad Ajil Hassan. This participation marks one of the initial projects aimed at easing traffic congestion in the capital, Baghdad, under the patronage of Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani.

The college contributed through various activities, including the involvement of lecturer Judan Al-Majid, who created artistic murals depicting several iconic Iraqi landmarks on the walls. Additionally, the choir from the Department of Music performed the national anthem, and sculptures and murals adorned the gardens adjacent to the bridge. Moreover, there was an artistic installation titled “Baghdad_Civilization and Peace,” which distinguished the bridge with exceptional work and significant creativity by the lecturer in the Department of Fine Arts, visual artist Dr. Ihab Ahmed. The bridge was named after the late visual artist Faiq Hassan.


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