The President of the University of Baghdad, Prof.Dr. Bahaa Ibraheem Ansaf, officially opened the second discussion hall at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Women, University of Baghdad, in the presence of the Dean of College, Prof.Dr. Fatima Abdul Maleh, and its council members.

The Dean of the College highlighted that this hall was prepared with the support and contribution of the President of Al-Isra University, Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Majid, to facilitate hosting conferences, particularly as we approach the Second International Scientific Conference titled “Sport for Health and Sustainable Development.”

In turn, Prof.Dr. Bahaa, expressed his delight, admiration, and praise for these dedicated efforts, extending his gratitude and appreciation to all those involved in these remarkable achievements, aiming to enhance the College’s reality on all levels. This inauguration represents one of the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

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