Ph.D. students in the Department of Public Relations at the College of Mass Communication at the University of Baghdad announced the launch of a solidarity campaign under the name “Gaza in our hearts”, aimed at shedding light on the tragic conditions suffered by the residents of the Gaza Strip because of the current Zionist aggression.

The campaign included a variety of messages, photos, and videos that convey the suffering of Palestinians and the human suffering they face considering the violence practiced by the occupation in their homes and medical institutions, and the campaign sought to convey a real and objective picture of the situation in Gaza, challenging the false images that may be conveyed by some Western media.

Dr. Karim al-Moussawi, a teacher in the public relations department, said, “The goal of the campaign is to use social media to convey the truth and solidarity with the Palestinians, despite the harmful attempts of some media outlets to distort information.”

These efforts come in the context of working to raise awareness about the difficult humanitarian conditions faced by children in the Gaza Strip in sisterly Palestine.


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