The University of Baghdad participated in the ceremony marking the launch of the academic system for the Professional Higher Diploma in for Combating Corruption, organized by the Iraqi Academy for Combating Corruption in collaboration with the Federal Commission of Integrity. The event was attended by Dr. Naim Al-Aboodi, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Judge Haider Hanoun, President of the Integrity Commission, Dr. Mazhar Turki, General Director of the Iraqi Academy for Combating Corruption, and Prof.Dr. Suhail Najm Abdullah, Assistant President of the University of Baghdad for Scientific Affairs.

In a speech, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research emphasized that the ministry is committed and actively engaged in implementing the academic institution’s obligations to enhance collaborative scientific research, particularly in academic programs aimed at generating responsible solutions and insights to combat corruption. This involves utilizing the lens of scientific research and specialized studies to provide revelations, interventions, and approaches that directly contribute to strengthening integrity values and addressing corruption hotspots in alignment with the requirements of the National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy.

A tour was conducted through the departments of the Iraqi Academy for Combating Corruption, exploring its training environment. Visits were made to the Education and Public Relations Department at the Integrity Commission, reaffirming the educational institution’s commitment to strengthening this partnership. It was emphasized that the educational establishment looks forward to reinforcing this collaboration, as it holds the potential to enhance success opportunities, fulfill ambitions in nation-building, and protect the future of its citizens from the scourge of corruption and its serious risks.

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