The College of Dentistry Journal at the University of Baghdad has been officially included in the global Scopus index. This achievement marks the first Iraqi accomplishment in the field of dentistry. This Journal is the first specialized scientific journal in dentistry to be indexed in Scopus, reflecting continuous and diligent efforts from the faculty members, supported by the administration the of the college and leadership of the university to achieve this significant milestone.

This step is part of the university’s efforts to foster scientific research and contribute to the improvement of the educational landscape. It significantly boosts education and scientific culture in Iraq and the region. Moreover, this achievement reinforces the university’s position in the scientific community, affirming the quality of its research and academic rigor.

Indeed, Scopus is considered one of the most importance global repositories for peer-reviewed scientific journals. It rigorously evaluates scientific journals and verifies the quality of the research published in them before granting entry into the repository.

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