The volunteer team of the Engineering College, in collaboration with the Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon him) Charitable Foundation, organized a charity bazaar, and its proceeds will benefit orphans and underprivileged families. The bazaar witnessed a significant turnout from students and professors of the Engineering College, showcasing a range of local industries and handmade crafts. Dr. Hazem Aziz, the founder of the charitable organization, clarified that the foundation’s purpose has been to give since its establishment in 2008. It brings together an elite group of professors, doctors, and generous members of the educated community. Dr. Aziz highlighted that the foundation’s doors are wide open to anyone who touches the hearts of the poor and feels their pain.

In a related context, a symposium was conducted on spreading the culture of giving and the development of individuals. The session was led by Faiz Abdul Sattar, the Executive Director of the Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon him) Foundation. The event was attended by the Dean of the Engineering College, Prof.Dr. Ghassan Hameed, and the Assistant Administrative Dean, Prof.Dr. Kareem Hassan, along with several professors and students from the engineering college.

The symposium aimed to foster the spirit of giving and highlight the role of each individual in shaping and building the human being, with the goal of living in a society characterized by love and a spirit of giving. In conclusion, the dean of the Engineering College expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the efforts made by the Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon him) Foundation, praising the positive impact it leaves in the field of community service and the significant role it plays in promoting a culture of giving and development. He also conveyed the college’s readiness to welcome such initiatives in the future.

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