The College of Mass Communication at the University of Baghdad organized a ceremony to announce the results of the ninth annual poll for the best Iraqi media performance in the media for the year 2023 under the slogan “A Conscious Public and a Sober Media”, and in the presence of the Rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, the Dean of the College of Mass Communication, Prof. Dr. Ammar Taher, and a number of media institutions, teachers and students.

The survey aimed to evaluate the work and performance of employees in institutions according to professional and academic foundations and standards, and the Rector of the University gave a speech about the survey, praising the efforts made by the College of Media to establish such important activities, and at the end of the ceremony. The winners of the results of the poll were honored for the best media performance by the Rector of the University of Baghdad and the Dean of the College of Mass Communication.

According to the results of the poll for the best television channel, the channel “Al-Sharqiya” ranked first, and for the category of the best social presenter “Mamoun Al-Natah” won first place, while “Sadiq Al-Shammari” anchor of Al-Iraqiya News Channel won the first place as the best news anchor and for the category of best television reporter Al-Iraqiya channel correspondent “Sajjad Al-Musawi” ranked first and for the category of media pages in social media, the page “fourth” ranked first, while the Iraqi News Agency “CONSCIOUS” ranked first as the best application News and came newspaper Zaman first place as the best Iraqi newspaper while the radio “Republic of Iraq” ranked first as the best Iraqi radio.


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