The first version of the Arab University Ranking for the year 2023 was announced today, based on the concerted efforts of the Association of Arab Universities in cooperation with the League of Arab States, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), and the Union of Arab Scientific Research Councils.

The University of Baghdad ranked first locally and 21 Arabs out of 115 Arab universities that met the requirements for entering the classification, Al-Mustansiriya University came in 36th place, Al-Mustaqbal University in 42nd place, and Anbar University in 50th place. The new Arab-international classification aimed to improve the outputs of higher education and scientific research to enable them to lead Arab development and reach Arab universities to the third and fourth generation of universities, and to generate in the Arab world an international classification with modern standards that keep pace with the requirements of the Arab world along with other international university rankings.

This classification is based on accuracy and objectivity through several indicators and criteria in which the comprehensive tasks of the university are evaluated, including the quality of teaching and learning and the excellence of faculty members, which helps to develop a work program for reform and development, scientific research, creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation to have an economic dimension of application and to encourage scientific research based on creativity, development, and innovation in universities and encourage the marketing and dissemination of scientific products and technology management, to reach the knowledge economy, in addition to the index of international and local cooperation in the region. Arabic and community service.

It is noteworthy that the number of universities that applied for evaluation amounted to 208 universities, of which 115 universities representing 16 countries out of a total of 22 countries of the League of Arab States were included in the classification.

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