The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Baghdad, in cooperation with the University of Lorestan, Iran, organized an international cultural symposium on the “International Day of the Arabic Language”, the day on which the United Nations approved the consideration of Arabic among its approved official languages, which dates on December 18 of each year.

The symposium witnessed the presence of Dr. Ali Nazari, Rector of the University of Lorestan, Iran, and a number of teachers from both universities, in addition to religious and academic figures from Iraqi and international universities. The symposium included a reference to the ancient Arabic language and its human influences in the world of thought in science, philosophy, and legislation, in the world of the heart of art and creativity, and in the world of things concerning technology, development, and taste of life, reviewing its ancient history.

Prof. Dr. Nima Dahsh Farhan, Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Baghdad, said that contributing to the preservation of the Arabic language is an Islamic value, and the consolidation of our identity and historical roots, praising the Arabic language and its role in serving civilization and human thought and transferring science and knowledge across space and time.


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