The lecturer at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Baghdad, Dr. Fouad Kamel, presented joint scientific research in cooperation with the University of Missouri Columbia, USA, on poultry meat contamination and the reasons for the emergence of such cases in poultry fields.

The teacher at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Fouad Kamel, said that “the research dealt with ways to use nanotechnology in controlling poultry meat pollution after conducting a number of laboratory tests and scientific experiments on a group of samples in cooperation with researchers from the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, indicating that “the research reached important results that contribute to diagnosing cases of diseases that affect poultry.”

Dr. Fouad Kamel added that “the joint research was published in the American Journal of Food Bioscience, which is one of the well-known journals in the field of food science research and with a high impact factor and quotation, noting that “the College of Veterinary Medicine received a letter of thanks and appreciation for its effective role in completing this type of important research in the world of preventive research, which contributes to increasing scientific cooperation between the University of Baghdad and international universities.”

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