The College of Medicine at the University of Baghdad held the first international medical education conference in conjunction with the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Mother College of Medicine. The conference opened with the speech of the Rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, on the Palestinian cause, believing in this just cause to support our people in Palestine against the attacks of the Zionist entity that claim the lives of innocent people, and then touched on the University of Baghdad’s endeavor to communicate with Arab and international universities to go in the direction in which the College of Medicine is the radiation center that all of Iraq needs.

This conference is an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, develop skills, and find solutions to all the challenges facing the medical education system in Iraq. The conference was attended by a group of doctors from the United Kingdom, a number of Arab countries, and a large constellation of students, specialists, and teachers of the College of is noteworthy that the conference will continue for two days 27 and 28 of November.


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