The lecturer at the College of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Assistant Professor Dr. Hanan Mikhail Daoud, presented a lecture entitled “Design and Operation of Small Networks” in the presence of a number of the department’s teachers. The lecture included an overview of the design and operation of small grids. It examined design constraints such as energy demand, selection of power sources, energy storage systems, grid connectivity, microgrid controllers, cost analysis, and control strategies including decentralized control, centralized control, predictive control algorithms, and smart grid technologies.

The lecture emphasized the objectives of designing renewable energy systems that are efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly. It Explores modern technologies and algorithms for integrated electrical energy management and addresses the future of electrical energy globally and in Iraq specifically. It proposed to establish a smart laboratory at the University of Baghdad or within the Department of Electrical Engineering aims to support authors and engineers in the implementation of innovative ideas related to smart microgrid technologies. Dr. Hanan reviewed in her lecture the scientific research that has been published in international and local journals and conferences during her sabbatical period in the United States of America.


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