The College of Engineering and the Continuing Education Unit held a meeting to open the door for coordination with the British Unihouse Foundation accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in order for the college to initiate the opening of the IELTS English language courses and tests center in order to facilitate the performance of exams for students applying for postgraduate studies in it. According to the directives of the ministry, the college will prepare all infrastructure and logistics, especially halls, electronic blackboards, and laboratories that help to achieve those exams.

During the preparatory meeting, the educational advisor of the British Unihouse Foundation, Eng. Haider Ali, accredited the management of the exam and the preparatory programs and praised the proposals made by the Deanship in is endeavor for the success of the center and the college’s infrastructure and scientific quality that achieve the desired goals and the necessary steps for the exam in order to obtain licenses for the opening of the center.

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