The Canadian Medical College at the University of Baghdad, under the supervision of Dean Prof. Dr. Mohammed Shihab Al-Idani, organized a scientific lecture titled “Human Embryo Transplantation: Clinical Observations” as part of the Continuous Medical Education unit’s activities.

The lecturer aimed to recap and retrieve information related to human embryo transplantation into the uterus. Additionally, the goal was to connect foundational knowledge with clinical symptoms and diseases in the context of transplantation. The lecture included an explanation of the components of the human amniotic sac and the process of transplantation, grafting, and implantation within the correct anatomical site of the uterus. It highlighted the emergence of clinical symptoms for this procedure and distinguished them from menstrual cycle symptoms.

The lecture also explained the complex immune processes involving trophoblast cells, fetal tissues, and the maternal immune system. It elucidated how the maternal immune system avoids attacking fetal cells and tissues during pregnancy.

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