Al-Kindi College of Medicine at the University of Baghdad witnessed activities during the Global Entrepreneurship Week under the supervision of the Deanship of the College represented by Dean Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shihab Al-Eidani, Scientific Assistant Prof. Dr. Taghreed Al-Haidari and Administrative Assistant Prof. Dr. Jamila Ghadban.

The activities began with a lecture entitled “Addiction … Its causes and effects on society” presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Noor Ali, where she touched on the issue of addiction and how to deal with addicts, and focused on the number of injured and recovered and developments in the treatment of this phenomenon in Iraq and what are the aspects of entrepreneurship in this field.

The second lecture was entitled “The Music Center in the Brain… Idea and Research” presented by a guest from the University of Webster, the Netherlands, Prof. Dr. Amer Al-Ansari, the lecture dealt with interesting information about the relationship between speech and music and their locations in the brain, where it was discovered that music has a distinct part of the brain that is completely different from the part of speech.

These events are inspiring initiatives that motivate students to explore new and broaden their perceptions and highlight the harms and dangers of addiction and its impact on human concentration and thought, both within society and in the personal and professional lives of individuals.


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